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ASX: PAT - Patriot Lithium

Updated: May 20

Patriot Lithium: If lithium nearology means anything, this company is world-class

Patriot Lithium Executive Director Matt Gauci on 6PR Bulls N'Bears Report

Listen to ASX-listed Patriot Lithium Executive Director Matt Gauci talk to Matt Birney about Patriot’s strategy of snapping up lithium ground in regions that have previously been mined for lithium with amazing in-ground head grades of 6 per cent lithium oxide.


While many believe Western Australia is the leading hard rock jurisdiction in the world areas of South Dakoda and Arizona in the USA have some off-the-scale lithium numbers that would make a Pilbara lithium miner blush – and Patriot Lithium has been rapidly snapping up ground in those regions in addition to its big landholdings in Ontario Canada that it has just dramatically increased – Ontario is another area that is rapidly competing with WA for the heavyweight lithium title of the world.


Matt Birney - Welcome to Bulls N' Bears brought to you today by North American-focused lithium explorer, Patriot Lithium.

Matt Birney - ASX code: PAT.

Matt Birney - I'm Matt Birney and I'm joined now by the Executive Director of Patriot Lithium, Matt Gauci. Hi Matt.

Matt Gauci - Hi Matt.

Matt Birney - Okay so while many people believe WA is the leading hard rock jurisdiction in the world when it comes to lithium. Areas of South Dakota and Arizona in particular in the USA, have some off-the-scale lithium numbers that would make a Pilbara lithium miner blush and Patriot Lithium has been rapidly snapping up ground in those regions in addition to its big land holdings in Ontario, Canada that the company is also just dramatically increased.

Matt Birney - Okay Matt so Patriot's ground is pretty early stage. No drilling yet what has been the strategy to get this company to market? Because I know you only listed recently on the ASX.

Matt Gauci - Yeah sure we put together a strategy over three years ago to pick up as much ground as we possibly could in the high grades district scale areas in North America including the Black Hills South Dakota/Arizona pegmatite belt in Arizona and Ontario in Canada and we've effectively achieved that, now it's a matter of getting on the ground.

Matt Birney - Yeah let's talk Black Hills in Dakota because there's some crazy lithium numbers that have been mined up there. Tell me about that.

Matt Gauci - Yeah the Etta mine's historic mined at an average grade of six per cent, spodumene crystals were at sort of surfboard size. We're always pretty happy working in the Pilbara, we're getting baseball size spodumene crystals.

Matt Gauci - Certainly very underexplored and all of our projects abut that historical Etta mine. So we expect to hopefully discover something similar to what we get at the Etta mine.

Matt Birney - Now down in Arizona you seem to have some good ground and that appears to be a pretty good jurisdiction as well. I've seen some crazy grade grab samples come out of that area right?

Matt Gauci - Yeah correct up to seven per cent in some of the areas and properties surrounding our ground. That belt stretches from effectively Phoenix all the way through to Las Vegas over 150 kilometres. We cover a fairly good part of that belt and again we're targeting high grades LCT-type pegmatites where there's visible spodumene which all continue to be on the ground in the next couple of months. We're already working there at the moment.

Matt Birney - And you recently added a huge swag of ground to your Canadian lithium holdings. What do you consider to be the best project up there and why?

Matt Gauci - Yeah there's no doubt Frontier Lithium, a CSX-listed company, its got the PAK deposit which is North America's highest grade hard rock lithium project, going through a DFS and we hold some thousand square kilometres of ground a long strike from that project. Very underexplored, underdeveloped and we're aiming to find something similar to what's Frontier Lithium have found at the PAK deposit. Given we hold the additional 1000 square kilometres along that belt.

Matt Birney - Matt Gauci from Patriot Lithium.

Matt Birney - Thanks for joining me on Bulls N' Bears and remember we're here to give you information not advice which you should of course seek independently.

Matt Birney - I'm Matt Birney and this is Bulls N' Bears.

Outro - For more public company interviews go to the money page on the 6PR, 2GB, 3AW and 4BC websites and click the public companies tab.

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